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What am I Going to Do With All These Onesies?

I am sleep-deprived.  Funny, everybody tries to warn you about how deranged and lethargic you will become once you have a newborn, but it’s just one of those things you just don’t know until it’s really happening to you.  You know what though?  He is worth every second of it.

Lil Man had to have two tubbies in a row yesterday.  I won’t get in to the horrific details of my afternoon.  Let’s just say, after it all, to see him smile at me, and to watch him rest peacefully, made it all dissolve away.  He truly is a blessing.

While I was pregnant I thought to myself, “What am I going to do with all these onesies and towels I received from loved ones?  He won’t wear half of them before he’s outgrown them.”  Let me tell you, boy, I have changed his outfit three times in the matter of minutes.  Amazing stuff, let me tell you.  So thank you to all who showered me with plenty of outfits and towels and diapers and burp cloths!

One day he’ll find this little blurb and think to himself, “My mother is crazy.”  But one day he’ll hopefully have one of his own, and he’ll wonder what he ever did before he became a parent…♥

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