I rummaged through old photo boxes and albums the other day. It’s amazing how the senses can trigger old memories… like how seeing a photograph can kick start the old film reel in your head, or the taste of an oatmeal cookie can bring back moments in your grandmother’s kitchen. As I grow older, I’ve realized that I’m getting more and more nostalgic.
Memories can be tricky, as there can be good ones and bad ones, and sometimes the good ones tie in with sad ones and you know how it goes… like this one.
This is me. [image courtesy of my mother]
This image depicts a very prominent memory I have of when I was young. I had three older siblings. I looked up to them, I yearned to be them. I wanted to go to school like them. I might not have been singing that tune when I was 17, but I’ve always had a hunger to learn. I remember getting dressed that morning, packing my lunchbox, putting on my cap and getting ready to aboard the yellow magic. I was so sad when they departed without me that I lingered near the road in shock, contemplating why I wasn’t allowed to get on. I remember this moment so well. I don’t remember giving my mother the middle finger as evidently showcased here, but I do remember the strong feelings that day. I wonder… is it because the photo exists or because it was a tragic moment in my youth? Only the universe will know… but I do know two things:
1) #imagesmatter
The key to healthy longevity is keeping your noggin active. This can be done through memory games, reading, communication, all that good stuff. Those who have the privilege of sight interact with imagery every day. What we see inspires us… upsets us… relaxes us..
2) everything is relevant
Everything is interconnected. With bad comes good, with good comes bad. Black and white cookie. Yin and Yang. In this particular scenario, this sad little moment actually makes me incredibly happy inside. It helps me to understand that we all seek a further truth and understanding, even at a wee age.
Oh. And what this Danish philosopher said:
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards”
If you are in need of some photographic therapy to keep that noggin healthy, I can help. Start Here.
I would like to take a moment and thank my mother for this beautiful image of me. Her devotion to documenting our family is what drives my love for photography every. single. day.
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