Author: Autumn Wells
30 Day Challenge, Day 1: Cadillac Sunrise
Alas! I have decided to embark on a ’30 day blog challenge’. It has been on ongoing trend for recent bloggers, and I’ve decided to join in on the fun {and challenge}. I really didn’t want to attempt a ‘photo a day’ off a list of different subjects you must photograph each day, which seems…
What am I Going to Do With All These Onesies?
I am sleep-deprived. Funny, everybody tries to warn you about how deranged and lethargic you will become once you have a newborn, but it’s just one of those things you just don’t know until it’s really happening to you. You know what though? He is worth every second of it. Lil Man had to have…
Memorial Day Weekend Bird Watching | Albany, NY
Invested a little time for bird watching this weekend. Really wanted to get the money shot on the male cardinal that was hanging around all weekend. This is the best I could capture. Also got a shot of Mrs. Cardinal as well, along with a few other species, as well as some furry creatures and…