Author: Autumn Wells
30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 16: Roof Raker
Digging pretty far back with this one. I’d have to say 2000. Most likely shot with a Canon 35mm that was given to me by my mother. This is my sister in the photo. Remember how I told you I love to shovel snow? Maybe it’s from all the years of labor we endured helping…
Happy Father’s Day…
☼ And here is an update of the growing boy! Amazing how much he has sprouted in just the last month ♥
30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 15: Home Away From Home
Midcoast Maine. I remember going to Pemaquid when I was very little, my grandfather owned a camp that overlooked Pemaquid Beach. So many wonderful memories. My mother now owns the camp…traditions may continue on. This is a photograph of Pemaquid Beach, over by Fort William Henry. Taken by my trusty Canon SD6OO. No Post-production. Love.…
30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 14: Patriot’s Day Storm
Patriot’s Day Storm of 2007 was a wild one. We were flooded out the ears. A mass of destruction and blight. I had the fortune of snapping a few shots to capture an essence of the aftermath, but unfortunately did not back them up appropriately. What I have salvaged from the remains of that day are…
30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 13: Niagara
The Falls. I visited Niagara Falls in 2009, this photo was taken from the Canadian side. A place everyone should visit at least once. Can’t wait to return, but for a winter visit next round.