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30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 3: Hangin’

There really aren’t too many things in life that I love more than a vigorous hike. I LOVE living so close to the White Mountains. There is something about scaling under the forest canopy with friends, enjoying random dialogues and the scenery, and reaching that summit to look over a vast region of natural beauty. I just love how quiet it is at the top of a mountain, birds flying over, tiny boats trailing across lakes…

This photo was not taken in the White Mtn Region, but in Seward, AK in ’08. My sister, Abby, relocated out there more than ten years ago. I finally had the chance to pay her a visit {and explore the vast wilderness of the largest state of the USA}. What I loved most about Alaska was how daunting a presence I felt there, and how small and insignificant I felt in comparison to the big picture. We did a lot of hiking, berry picking and nature walking.

“Come up with a loud noise to alert bears,” my sister advised on our first trip out.
“Don’t make it a shrieking noise either, bears will assume you’re an injured animal and will come looking for a meal.”
“The last thing you want to do is catch a bear off gaurd, especially if it’s a momma bear with cubs. Bikers are the worst offenders as they are so silent and quick, they really startle bears.”

I was also taught that if I am introduced to a black bear, I should appear as large as possible by waving my arms around and hollering. That way I may have a chance that the black bear won’t bother turning me into a tasty morsel.

“If it’s a Grizzly, fall to the ground and ball up to protect your vital organs.” And pray. Hard.



This photo was taken on our trip up to Lost Lake. It is a nice breaking point. My sister told me that they hike up to this point in the winter and sled down. It’s steep. Real steep. But then again I’ve hiked up some steep inclines in the depth of winter and sled down. It is SO fun! The cabin overlooks the Port of Seward, and of Resurrection Bay. It is breathtaking.

We hiked until we caught a glimpse of Lost Lake, then turned around. It’s a really long hike. We picked some berries and trekked a different trail back to the base.

I highly suggest a trip out to Alaska, it is worth the journey!

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