the blog

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 4: Crabby Cyclops

love love LOVE this photo.  Taken back in ’08 with my trusty Canon Powershot.  As I mentioned before, one of my favorite styles of photographing is macro.

We were at the beach one scorching day and decided to cool off in the ocean.  My besty caught a glimpse of this little crab and plucked him out of the water.

She held him up while I snapped the shot.

Did I mention that I love this photo?

I sharpened the photo a bit, and tweaked the contrast slightly.  Other than that, this is a genuine photo and no further post-production was necessary.

And after dreary rain these past few days in June, the sun is peaking out and the day looks promising, and I really shouldn’t be sitting here in front of this computer.  Rather, I should be at the beach!


p.s. preeettty sure this guy is missing an eye…thus the title.

Crabby Cyclops

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