the blog

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 30: Musci

We all travel down our own paths.  We, alone, choose our direction.  It is in our blood to explore, and discover ourselves as individuals.  We are a beautiful race.  May our journeys be measured not by the distance we have traveled, but by the pit stops we allow ourselves along our way…the people we have met, the wisdom we have formed.  And let us take a moment to reflect on those who have passed their knowledge unto us…those who we hold close to our hearts, whether they are up the path, or now remain with us in spirit.  And may we all live a life brimming with flair, gratification, and most importantly, with love.  And good food.  And good music.  And laughter.  Lots of laughter.  Amen to that, my friends, amen to that.



And here we are, ladies and gents…the end of my 30 day blog challenge.

I present to you my very last segment, a photo taken in Alaska while visiting my sister, Abby, in 2008.  This was along the Tonsina Point Trail.  Out of this world beautiful.  I can see why my sister never came back home.  I loved this trail so much, my heart could explode just thinking about it.  It was such a diverse trail, which entertained my brain very much so.  I remember a group of girls jogging past us.  And a biker who stopped an inquired about other trails.  We walked.  heh.  I enjoyed this trail so much that I am going to post a few more photos for you from this particular stroll.  The hue of the water was electric! {I won’t even get into the color of the glaciers} And the salmon!  I happened to visit on the tail end of the spawning season, apparently the salmon are much more populated earlier in the year, but it seemed pretty ‘crowded’ still, while I was there.

I hope you enjoy, and I hope you’ve enjoyed tuning in to my 30 day blog challenge as much as I have had creating it.


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