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30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 22: Atomic

I have said it again and again, but I am so thankful to be living so close to the White Mountains Region.  There are so many outdoor activities to get involved in, including skiing.  This photo was taken in 2010 atop Wild Cat Mt.  Wild Cat has the best view of Mount Washington.  It is one of my favorite ski resorts by far.  I had plopped myself in the snow, waiting for my friends, when I took this pic.  I’m going to be selfish and say that I was okay with the mild winter we just had, as I was with child and could not partake in many of my normal winter activities.  And now that I have a little sprout, it will probably be another couple of years before I actually hit the slopes, but I can’t wait to take my little guy on hikes, swimming, the beach, skiing, and so on and so on and so on….  Shot by my Canon SD6OO.  Some slight digital darkroom editing for post-production.


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