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30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 2: Happy Trail

Okay, now this one was taken on my Canon Rebel 35mm, back in 2004.  My sister and I vacationed in Costa Rica with family.  At some point I used a roll of black and white film, and got this shot.  Now mind you, this is a print that I scanned into the computer, thus the scratches and rough look of the photo {I kinda like it, actually, but the print is sharp}.  I still have the negatives, it would be worth it to convert it over to digital, for sure.

HappY  TraiL

What strikes me about this photo are all the questions that flood my brain…

What are they laughing about?

Who are these women?

Where are they?

{of course} I know who these women are, and I know where they are.  I have no idea what they are so joyous about, but I could conjure up a few ideas… This photo plays out a sense of mystique and warmth… I want to know the story behind it.  And I love the composition.  The subjects are in the corner, while the viewer’s eyes to wander down the road that trails across the image.  This photo has a sense of beauty and perfection, it brings me back to the memories of that trip and what fun experiences we had.  Isn’t that what life is all about?

The nolstagia that this photo brings me is what I want to bring to others.  I want to capture moments in time for everyone, so they may feel the same provoked emotions I do when I reminisce over this image.


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