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30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 16: Roof Raker

Digging pretty far back with this one. I’d have to say 2000. Most likely shot with a Canon 35mm that was given to me by my mother.

This is my sister in the photo.

Remember how I told you I love to shovel snow? Maybe it’s from all the years of labor we endured helping our parents.

Our house growing up has a front porch that had has a sinking roof. Snow builds up on this come winter and with the front of the house lacking much sun in the day, it’s a recipe for disaster. Ice, my friends…ice…

So we would climb out and shovel it off, or we’d use the roof rake. On this particular day we shoveled. And we jumped into our abundent pile of snow below.

Nabbed this shot of my sister leaping off. Once again, a scanned print. God I love winter.

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