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30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 14: Patriot’s Day Storm

Patriot’s Day Storm of 2007 was a wild one.  We were flooded out the ears.  A mass of destruction and blight.

I had the fortune of snapping a few shots to capture an essence of the aftermath, but unfortunately did not back them up appropriately.  What I have salvaged from the remains of that day are some small files.  Very disappointed in myself.  Always make a backup, people!  Nonetheless, I still have at least these, and so I decided to make up a storyboard for y’all.  The houses were in Wells, ME.  The flooded car was in Biddeford, ME.  The clam was on Old Orchard Beach.  There were a mass of clams washed up.  Gluttonous seagulls picked at clam bodies variously {a true massacre}.

There is just nothing like Mother Nature in her most volatile of spirits.

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